Don’t you hate it when the weather starts to change and your skin starts to act up too? Even slight change on temperature can affect a lot, crazy… Recently, I purchased The Body Shop Vitamin E Aqua Boost Sorbet. I was looking for a lightweight product and the sales assistant recommended it and I like Vitamin E range so I thought why not…

I haven’t used sorbet before, so I didn’t really know what to expect and how it will be on my skin. The best way to check how a skincare product will be on your face is “Clean your face, apply the cream/serum on one cheek and don’t apply to other one. Then touch your cheeks every half an hour or an hour”, and it will give you some idea. Just do it when you’re at home and you want to try a new product. This is how I checked that sorbet. Even though I have oily skin, when it gets cold my skin goes through a phase and I start having dry patches, so after applying this product on one cheek it felt flawless and the other one felt rough and dry.

Vitamin E Aqua Boost Sorbet is a really light product, which has a “gel-like” consistency and it sinks into skin quickly. My skin feels well moisturised, hydrated and so soft. What I also like about this product is that it’s not oily, so the skin doesn’t get greasy. Oily skinned people will know the struggle finding a product, which will hydrate the skin and doesn’t leave the skin oily; well this is one of them. Also, I think it is a great base for the makeup, it kinda acts like a primer for me, so no extra product on the skin is needed.

If you want a cooling effect, you could put this one in the fridge and then apply it (this is what the sales assistant told me in the store); I tried it and I can say it actually works. After a thermal mask, this is great for cooling down the skin. The only thing I don’t like is the fragrance, as I mostly choose unscented products. It is only lightly fragranced so it is nothing major. Nowadays, it is hard to find fragrance-free skincare products anyway.

The Body Shop Vitamin E Sorbet

I’ve been using it a lot since I got it and I am glad I did… It is light and doesn’t leave my skin greasy and makes my skin so soft.

Have you tried anything from The Body Shop Vitamin E range? What’s your favourite lightweight skin care product?

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