March Favourites 2016

One quarter of the year is gone and now only three left for the New Year. If you still haven’t done anything about your New Year resolutions or goals then you should maybe take an action, don’t you think so? One of the things I love about March is that the days are getting longer … Continue Reading

Spring Revamp – Beauty Bits Everyone Needs

Hello Spring! Hello new beginnings, longer days and blooming flowers. Winter has to be one of my least favourite seasons, it feels like except the fluffy snow there’s nothing to love about it. Finally days will get longer and hopefully it will get warmer too. Since spring can be associated with new beginnings, it is … Continue Reading

February Favourites 2016

February is over (like 28 days aren’t enough, it was 29 days), which means we are getting closer to Spring and longer days instead of longer nights. Even though I love the cold days of Autumn, Winter is my least favourite season, so I am happy that it will be over soon. What’s your favourite … Continue Reading

The Body Shop Moringa Body Butter – Dry Skin Hero

Don’t you hate it when your skin gets really dry in winter and you have to be extra cautious?  Taking long hot bath might be tempting when it is freezing outside, but are you sure your skin will be happy about it? Once you leave the hot bath, diving into body products would be the … Continue Reading