Have you ever had a moment where you look at the mirror, you just don’t feel like you used to? Feeling like there’s something missing… It happens, it happens to many of us. We get so caught up in the moment that we forget to do the things that make us feel like a woman. How do we change that? The list can get pretty long when it comes to how to be more feminine, but it is all about what you want to change in your life to achieve that.

There may be so many factors that would stop you being the way you used to. We are still living in a man dominated world in some areas, we think in order to survive and be successful we have to be like how men are, masculine, work focused and also think like men. Ok, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on work, but you shouldn’t also forget your feminine side. We shouldn’t let the world turn us into something we are not. You can be hardworking in your fancy heels and pretty makeup, you can still achieve more than what men do! Being feminine doesn’t have to mean only being girly, it should be all about feeling confident about who you are and what you do. Come on, who wouldn’t like to get that feminine side out to spice things up?

You don’t need to make big changes to feel more feminine, even making small changes can boost up your confidence. Also if you don’t feel comfortable doing these things in public, you can start doing them at home and see if you love it then it might give you confidence and you to get used to it. Start with small baby steps to get where you want to get, don’t be afraid to show your true self when you work on how to be more feminine. Now, let’s talk about how to be more feminine…

How to Be More Feminine

Start Your Day Positive and Energetic

Good start to a day is the best thing, a day where you don’t rush around but take your time to get dressed and enjoy  your hot cup of coffee (or whatever you feel like drinking). To make things better, pick a song that would give you positive energy, maybe something girly. You might know what songs you have are good at changing the mood, so instead of listening something slow and depressing, play confidence boosting songs then you will see the effects of it throughout the day. For once, decide that you won’t care what others think about the way you dress or the way you feel, you don’t need these judgy people in your life. Start your day deciding that you will be more feminine…

Don’t Be Afraid to Wear Heels

If you’re working in an office, full of men, then you might just get into routine of wearing flat shoes or trainers for not getting much attention. Maybe you hate the stares of your colleagues when your heels make noise and they find it annoying, so you end up sacrificing wearing heels just to stop this awkward situation and also who doesn’t like comfortable shoes right? Well, heels make noise, but they also look so damn good, therefore instead of thinking about others, put yourself first. Wear your heels and let them get used to the noise it makes as you walk. This might boost up your feminine side as well.

Wear Something Different

There’s a myth that women only wear matching underwear and bra, when they are on a date or have something special coming up. If that’s the case then we are doing it for others, rather than for ourselves. Why don’t you do something to change that? Feeling more feminine starts within, even though no one might be seeing it just wear matching pair. Also, lace pair might be better pick because it will look way sexier than the regular push up bra set!

Change Your Mood at Home

Who wouldn’t like being in comfy cotton PJs when they get to home after a long day at work, or after spending hours looking after the kids. Being comfy sounds dreamy, but you don’t need to be in your granny PJs to feel comfortable, do you? You can pick up silk PJs or a nightie, it won’t only feel so soft on the skin, but also it will definitely help you change your mood and feel more feminine. Also if you want to take things a little further, why don’t you watch Marilyn Monroe films? Her energy will make you want to change yourself.

Don’t Be Afraid To Try New Things

We get so used to the routines that after awhile change sounds scary. You might be wearing the same hair style for years or the same makeup without changing anything, because you like to play safe. Getting used to a routine isn’t good, it might be in some cases, so instead we should discover new things. Beauty routine shouldn’t be boringso do something different. If you can only wear nude lips, change it to bright lips. You might think it is not your true self then at least do it when you’re alone and pose in front of the mirror, you will be having so much fun doing that. Even changing your fragrance can make a difference. Fresh scents are good, but why don’t you try something more feminine, like Chloe Love Story? Also, go to a hair dresser to change the hair style that you get used to tying up, have a blow dry or even change the hair colour, change can be so good! Don’t hide your beauty and show the world your true beauty.

Don’t Be Afraid to Be Your True Self

Last but not least, just don’t be afraid to be yourself. Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud or don’t try to your body image, wear things that flatters you. When we let the world change us, we take a path that turns us into different people than what we really are. We shouldn’t be afraid of showing our women sides, we should be proud of who we are. You shouldn’t be afraid to wear heels or short skirts to show off yourself, if that’s what you want, you should just do it without worrying what your colleagues or community would think about you. Don’t be concerned about what others think, just live your life as how you want it to be.

I am sure everyone has their own ways of how to be more feminine, it is all about wanting it. Do you think we are affected by the community? What do you think about this situation? Why do we let the world change us? What do you do to feel more feminine? What are your “how to be more feminine” secrets?

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