Spring Revamp – Beauty Bits Everyone Needs

Hello Spring! Hello new beginnings, longer days and blooming flowers. Winter has to be one of my least favourite seasons, it feels like except the fluffy snow there’s nothing to love about it. Finally days will get longer and hopefully it will get warmer too. Since spring can be associated with new beginnings, it is … Continue Reading

September Favourites 2015

Would it be a cliché to say I can’t believe September is already over? Summer has officially finished and we are heading towards winter, so it is time for my September Favourites… When I think about it, in September I didn’t get many stuff but mostly used the ones I have. I got a sorbet … Continue Reading

Let’s Talk Foundation

Have you ever thought how hard it is to pick a foundation nowadays? I mean think about like 10-15 years ago and now… Don’t you think that a lot has changed since then? There are so many brands and so many different products that promise so many things.. However, how do you decide which foundation … Continue Reading

Let’s Talk Mascara

Can we consider mascara as one of the most used makeup products or would it be just wrong? Crazy that it comes from Ancient Egypt and it has been around for so long… Did you even know that? When it comes to highlighting your eye lashes, do you have any selection criteria or do you … Continue Reading