It is Friday and let the weekend begin right after your shift! Fridays and weekends should be fun and you should enjoy it. Why don’t you reward yourself that you managed to complete one stressful week? How about rewarding yourself with a glass of cocktail? Don’t forget that you don’t need alcohol to have fun, you can always have delicious refreshing non-alcoholic cocktails, like virgin strawberry mojito.

Whether you are planning to have a party or just making drinks for yourself, it is good to have non-alcoholic drink options as well. You can always start your day with cold drink which will definitely make you wide awake. When it is hot outside and you need something refreshing, all you need is some ice cold drink and a chair to rest!

Cocktail recipes don’t need to be so confusing, you can actually make good cocktails with just a few ingredients. Think about mojito, what do you need for it? All you need is handful of ingredients which you probably have it in your fridge. So for a change let’s just pimp your drink and come up with something different.

Making your own mojito is so easy. You don’t need fancy cocktail equipments like cocktail shaker or muddler. You just need a tall glass and something to crush the mint&sugar, you can use spoon for it. It only takes a few minutes to come up with this refreshing mojito. It is as good as the one you get from a bar, so why don’t you make your own mojito today?

Apparently if you don’t have alcohol in your mojito, then it is virgin mojito, I didn’t know that. Whether you like it with or without alcohol, coming up with your own drink is on your hands. You can find Virgin Strawberry Mojito recipe below, if you remove strawberries then you will end up with sour Mojito. You can always alter the recipe according to your taste. If you like it sweeter rather than sour, I’d recommend you to add extra 1/2 teaspoon caster sugar. I prefer sparkling water, instead of soda, at least then it makes this mojito a guild free drink.

If you want to spice things up and upgrade your Virgin Strawberry Mojito to Strawberry Mojito, all you need to do is add a single shot of rum (2 cl).

What’re your favourite alcoholic and non alcoholic cocktails? Have you tried Virgin Strawberry Mojito before? Do you have any cocktail recipe you do frequently?

Virgin Strawberry Mojito

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Virgin Strawberry Mojito


  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 2-3 strawberries
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon caster sugar
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice/lime juice
  • Crushed ice
  • Sparkling water
  • Mint leaves and slice of lemon for garnishing


  1. Put the mint leaves into a chilled glass and add the caster sugar and lemon juice,
  2. Crushed the leaves with spoon (muddler) until the sugar is dissolved, then add strawberries and crush them a little bit more,
  3. Filled the glass with crushed ice and top up with sparkling water,
  4. Stir it gently and garnish it with mint leaves, strawberry and lemon wedges.
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