January Favourites 2016

Isn’t it crazy that time is passing so fast? I still remember the New Year’s Eve like yesterday and now we are at the end of January. It feels like time passes quickly once you get older. When I was a kid, I was complaining about how slow time’s passing and now here we are, … Continue Reading

Let’s Talk Lip Balm

Winter is approaching and with changing weather I can feel my skin acting up. It gets sensitive due to the cold and also really dry. It is not only my skin that gets dry, but also my lips. That’s why I am using lip balm all the time during this season. Even though Autumn might … Continue Reading

October Favourites 2015

Another month is over and we are not so far away from a new year, new possibilities and new resolutions. Last month has been quite a month for me, so many things had to change just in a short time and there are so many unknown things to be solved. However, here are my October … Continue Reading

Let’s Talk Best Hand Creams

Winter is ahead of us. Cold affects the skin as much as the sun does and it is important to make sure your skin is well protected from the cold. Don’t you all hate it when your hands get really dry or hard during cold weathers? You always need to pay more attention to your hands, … Continue Reading