M&S Advent Calendar | Alpha-H Liquid Gold Rose

If you are a skincare addict then you probably heard about the Alpha-H Liquid Gold, if you didn’t then, a quick recap for you… Liquid Gold is a resurfacing and revitalising lotion which improves the skin’s texture and continuous use will help to tighten the pores and reduce the signs of aging. Good isn’t it? … Continue Reading

M&S Advent Calendar | Formula Innovate Radiance Reveal Peel

Until a year or two, I was more into physical exfoliators than the chemical ones. Having a routine and not being too open to a change might be the main reason. Luckily I decided to leave my comfort zone and be more open to trying different things… Something like Formula Innovate Radiance Reveal Peel… Some … Continue Reading

M&S Advent Calendar | Korres Wild Rose Advanced Repair Sleeping Facial

I wish there was a product that you put on your face at night and wake up looking 5-10 years younger… Wouldn’t you want that? Beauty/skincare companies keep bringing up so many innovative products, but let’s be honest, none of them will stop the ageing. I’m a pro-prevention rather than cure so let’s start preventing … Continue Reading

M&S Advent Calendar | Rodial Dragon’s Blood Sculpting Gel

When you hear/read dragon blood, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? Well since I’m a big Game of Thrones fan, all I could think of is Khaleesi and the dragons. Luckily unlike the name Rodial Dragon’s Blood Sculpting Gel doesn’t have any real dragon’s blood in it… It is just a bright red … Continue Reading